Reserve repack 2025

Sunday, 9 Mar 25, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Chipping Village Hall

Reserve repack - Sunday 9th March
Venue- Chipping Village Hall
Cost yet to be confirmed, depending on number of attendees. It will be between £20 to £30 but could rise if the numbers are low - get your booking in now to confirm a place, we'll let you have the final price in plenty of time.
This is a great opportunity for you to become more familiar with your equipment. Learn how to repack your own reserve and to make sure your reserve system will operate correctly.
As pilots we spend thousands of pounds on equipment. A reserve system is your last chance, and a very valuable piece making up your flying kit.
There will be three BHPA registered repackers holding the session. Guy Richardson, James from Aerofix and Bernard Clewer. All are experienced BHPA qualified repackers. Thus will allow more attention to individual attendees.
Guy Richardson (Ginger Nomad Paragliding) brings along a selection of new reserves for sale offering great discounts if purchased on the day. Plus lots of other things to buy !
What you need to bring -
Harness & reserve
Reserve Manual (if you don't have one, you should have, download it, print it off)
Refreshments /drinks & food, should you require.
Kind regards
Barry Sayer

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