Pennine Site Guide
We will try and give you as much information as possible about the Pennines flying sites to make your flying experience as enjoyable as possible.
But keeping it simple... If in doubt, find out.
Just because you flew a site the day before, don’t expect those conditions to apply today… ASK before you fly.
For site issues please contact the PSC Sites Officer, Andy Archer.
phone: 07824 321575.
Wind Rose

Click on the site markers for information about a Pennine flying site. This will enable you to access information about the site including travelling directions via Google from your location. You will be able to view the site in Google Earth View (if you have Google earth installed). Alternatively use Google Street View to see parking. Try placing your self at takeoff in Earth view and look out from the hill you will be flying!
Alternatively scan the QR Code below the map to access all information via your phone. Travelling directions can then be used via Google maps and sat nav you to the desired site... see you there!
An offline version of the site guide now available to download in PDF format. Get the Site Guide or the Pennine Handbook and Site Guide.
Scan Bar code to view all PSC on your mobile.
Open Pennine Site Guide in New window
This interactive feature is still under construction. In the meantime please use the drop down menu on the left for site guide information.
Visiting Pilots
The Pennine Soaring Club welcomes visiting pilots from other BHPA affiliated clubs with the following caveats:
- Any pilot flying (or intending to fly) under this arrangement on more than 6 days per year is expected to take out full membership.
- Visiting pilots must display valid helmet stickers as proof of BHPA/Club membership.
- Visiting pilots must be fully aware of current site rules and adhere to them at all times.
- Certain sites, currently Pendle Hill and Winter Hill, are 'full members only' and not open to visiting pilots due to local sensitivities.
- This agreement is based on mutual trust and is peer regulated.
- Pilots who knowingly break the trust of the agreement will be identified, named and peer pressure applied to ensure that they join the club. Monitoring this is the responsibility of all members.
Reciprocal Arrangements
The Pennine Soaring Club has reciprocal flying arrangements with:
XC from Pennine Sites
Many of the Pennine sites lie very close to or underneath restricted airspace. it is essential that all pilots know the legal limits to the space they can fly in and what's downwind. It is mandatory to carry an up to date air chart and necessary to have and be able to use an altimeter.
Before going XC it's well worth having planned out a likely route and imagined what main features you are likely to use as landmarks en route. Carry a ‘Glider Pilot’ sign in your bag. It will usually improve your chances of getting somebody to stop when you are hitching a lift back.
Arms Ranges
One known active shooting range in our region must be identified by anyone going XC from Pule Hill. Shooters Nab (Deerhill) just east of Marsden at mr SE 067 110. There is a safety radius of 1300m around it. Keep well out of this region. At regular intervals (at least once a week) Standard Fireworks test out their fireworks at the range, thermalling off a roman candle is not advisable!
Grouse Shooting
Members are reminded that grouse shooting takes place from 12th August to 31st December. Even prior to August, gamekeepers are very protective of the areas affected, so please avoid these areas whenever possible.
Edenfield is closed for lambing in the spring. Usually about 4 weeks from 25th April. Please check with the sites officer or a committee member before flying.
Even though other sites are not specifically closed during lambing, we rely on the goodwill of the relevant farmers so please use your common sense. Every year inconsiderate pilots ignore lambing restrictions.
Whilst we do have problems and have to impose restrictions on certain sites, in the main we have a harmonious relationship with landowners and farmers and it is in everyone’s interest that we keep it that way. We have arrangements with local land owners whose sites we fly. Our membership subs pay the large fees for the following sites, with no financial help from any other source: Edenfield, Longridge, Nonts Sarahs (Shared with the DHPC), Parlick, and Winter Hill .
Your fellow flyers will not be too impressed if it is your inconsiderate actions that lose them their treasured local flying site!
We wish you happy and safe flying...