Winter Hill–potential access restrictions due to cable replacements.

By Andy Archer on  June 24, 2024 18:01

Winter Hill Transmitter Mast is now a construction site and under the control of a contractor, this is due to replacement of the stay lines that are supporting the structure. The contractor will be managing the site from now until the 3rd of October 2024 and there will be some periods of significantly reduced access when the new stays are being lifted over and alongside the site access road, the work will also include weekend work.

During working hours the gates on site will be locked and set to a code held by the contractor, out of hours (from 6pm – 8am) the code for the gates will be set to the same code as the Winter Hill barrier at the bottom of the hill.

The site managers contact details will be displayed on the gate however he is very unlikely to give access during normal working hours without a permit to work or legitimate cause to drive further up the hill to reach the other masts. 

As such can I ask for this period, that members avoid using the access track? instead please park on the car park on Rivington Road and walk up the front face of the hill to take off.

Arqiva the mast operators apologise for the inconvenience caused.


Andy Archer

PSC Sites Officer

Edenfield Closed for Lambing

By Andy Archer on  April 24, 2024 18:48

Edenfield will be closed for Lambing from 25 April 2024 to 25 May 2024 inclusive.

Please adhere to the closure.


Andy (Sites Officer)

GASCo Safety Evening

By Andy Archer on  February 12, 2024 12:22

GASCO Safety evening - Monday 19th Feb, 7:30 to 9:30 pm at the Sea View Inn.

This is a joint event with Bowland Forest Gliding Club and is a safety talk delivered by GASCOo (General Aviation Safety Council).

These are very informative, interactive and thought provoking events.   This will be a tailored event covering topics across both our disciplines including Threat & Error Management, Loss of Control accidents, Electronic Conspicuity, Human Factors, we are also looking to have the opportunity to discuss the local issues, particularly the shared airspace around Parlick.

It is likely to be a packed room so turn up early!


Winter Hill – New Gate Code active from Fri 2nd Feb 2024

By Andy Archer on  February 4, 2024 14:46

Hi All,

The gate code for Winter Hill has been changed as of Friday 2nd Feb 24 @3pm.

Please contact a member of the committee for the new gate code (WhatsApp/text/Telegram/email/FB messenger)

Please follow the rules:

  1. Generally only the lower gate will be locked.
  2. If both gates are locked they will have the same code.
  3. The lock codes will be changed every 3 months or sooner if required.
  4. Do not allow anyone to tailgate you through the gate.
  5. Make sure the gate is locked shut behind you.  Do not leave unlocked, even if you know another member will be on their way in a few minutes.
  6. On securing the lock ensure you scramble the code, DO NOT leave it on the unlock code.
  7. PSC members must obtain the code from a member of the committee, DO NOT distribute it further.
  8. Report any suspicious behaviour to a member of the committee.



PSC Sites Officer