Thames Valley Hang Gliding Club’s The Big Fat Repack

By Carl Fairhurst on  January 14, 2015 19:01

The Thames Valley Hang Gliding Club’s annual safety and repack event, The Big Fat Repack, is on Sunday 15th  March 2015.

The Big Fat Repack features:-

  • The reserve talk is given by BHPA qualified packers and covers: 
    • How to deploy your reserve.
    • How to repack your reserve.
    • How to fit your reserve into a harness.
  • The Zip slide allows you to deploy your reserve in a realistic yet safe environment.
  • The Dealing with accidents talk and first aid demonstration will empower you to deal with incidents. The following topics are covered. 
    • Assessing the situation and Securing the wing
    • Calling Emergency Services and Air Ambulance
    • Basic First aid covering broken bones, spinal and head injuries
  • DVD and Book stand raising money for the Thames Valley Air Ambulance.

Click here to book now; if you want to see more checkout the videos of past events and our website. If you have any questions please feel free to contact us.

There are still plenty of places. Everyone is welcome; club members, BHPA members and even non BHPA members; please encourage your friends to join us. Non BHPA pilots will need to purchase a day membership at £15.

Hope you see you on the day.

Best regards,

The BFR Team

Important announcement regarding January 2015 club night.

By Carl Fairhurst on  January 8, 2015 19:00

The Boatyard is to close for each Monday in January that leaving us the problem for our next
meeting. so the evening has been moved to Tuesday 13th January 2015. This first of the club
nights of 2015 is by our very own Simon Scott on Paramotoring and why would you want to.
Simon flies in our national competitions with great success and has recorded some great footage,
much more that our none powered gliders cant achieve. So come and be inspired this Tuesday, talk
starts 8pm prompt so arrive early if your to catch up on some gossip. (See p. 3)
There’s been some interesting events of late, worth hearing about. So See you there!
Andy Mcloughlin

November Club night

By Carl Fairhurst on  November 4, 2014 18:58

10th November at 8PM

2014 XC season review. Everyone who entered a flight into the national XC league will get a chance to talk about their favourite flight from the year, but you don't have to!

Show Map

The Boatyard Inn

Riley Green, PR5 0SP Preston, Lancashire

October Club night - Film and Photo Competition

By Carl Fairhurst on  October 3, 2014 18:57

We've got the first club night for the end of the year kicking off on the 13th October at the Boatyard Inn.

There will be prizes.

It'll be a two part event. 8pm start will be paragliding photos ground level or aerial. As long as they took the photo themselves. 5 max. Prizes awarded and the pictures could be used on the new Pennine website.
Part two starts 9 pm will be paragliding videos. Rules are that the video has been edited by themselves. Prizes again.
If time we'll have other films viva you tube, FB or Vimeo. Ideas welcome. Aim for 10 pm finish as its a school night.
We have very good prizes and its a voting system by you. You have a week and a half to get something ready. Keep it short like 5 mins max normally. Usb, cd or we have wifi (normally). Get there early, have a drink and a chat as starts 8 prompt.